Cosmic Balance & Elemental Magic
Our beloved Ma'at ring has become one of our top sellers. This magical piece was created as an amulet and a statement ring to empower you and invoke the intention you place within it.
Ma’at in Egyptian cosmology carries the medicine of Truth, Justice, Harmony, Balance, Order, Reciprocity and Prosperity.
This rustic amulet ring is named for Ma'at and also carries the elemental alchemy symbols of earth, water (downward pointed triangle) and fire (upward pointed triangle), and Spirit (circle).
Depending on what direction it is worn, use to call in grounding energies (earth), flow and creativity (water), or passion and strength (fire) or quieting & balance of the mind (air).
- Available in bronze, sterling silver, or gold
- Adjustable fit for ring sizes 4-6 or 7-10
- Measurement | 3.5cm face